DMC envisions to be one of the best medical institutions in South Asia by 2021 -Prof. Khan Abul Kalam Azad

Prof. Dr. Khan Abul Kalam Azad Head, Department of Medicine and Principal
Dhaka Medical College7

Dhaka Medical College (DMC) started its glorious journey on the 10th of July 1946, headed by Dr. Major W J Virgin as the first principal of the college in the present hospital building with only three departments, 100 male students and 100 hospital beds; now it has 49 departments offering MBBS and 42 Postgraduate courses, along with the largest attached hospital of Bangladesh with 2600 beds with 24 hour emergency services, said Prof. Khan Abul Kalam Azad, Principal of DMC, in an exclusive interview with The Guardian.

In this context, the Principal mentioned that in 1946 students were admitted in all years as the main reason behind it; he added that it was the partition of 1947. He also added that though about half of the present students are female, but there was no female student at the beginning.

He informed that the college did not have Anatomy and Physiology departments at first, so the students had their classes in Mitford Medical School. After a month, Prof. Pashupati Basu of Anatomy and Prof. Hiralal Saha of Physiology joined the staff and the classes began in Ward No. 22 of the hospital. There were no lecture gallery or dissection halls at that time. These needs were met after the foundation of the college building in 1955.

In this context, the Principal also mentioned the names of other pioneers of teaching in Dhaka Medical College. They are Dr. M Hossain (Forensic Medicine), Prof. Altaf Ahmed (Pharmacology), Prof. Anwar Ali and Dr. Kazi Abdul Khaleque (Pathology), Prof. Habibuddin Ahmed and Prof. Homaira Sayee (Midwifery and Gynae-cology), Prof. Nawab Ali and Prof AKM Wahed, Prof. AKM Shamsuddin, Prof. Md. Ibrahim (Medicine), Dr. Major F W Elison, Prof. E Von Novak and Prof. Giasuddin (Surgery).

He then mentioned that the college building was completed in 1956 and shifted. New students’ hostel was built at Bakshi-Bazar and the students were shifted from the shed barrack (known as Shahid Minar) area to ladies’ hostel and interne Doctors’ hostel for male and female were also built by 1975. To meet the need the hospital building was extended vertically and also renewed OT/Emergency complex and a Burn unit was built during 1990-2000.

The Principal is working at his office.

Prof. Azad informed that DMC boasts of a highly reputed array of intellectuals and academics from its beginning. Its students are extremely talented with an intense affinity for gathering knowledge to attain excellence and a deep sense of commitment to serve the nation. The college is now running with 1100 MBBS students including 100 foreign students, 900 postgraduate students, 400 teachers and spreading medical education and treatment with 10,000 passing-out doctors to the people at home and abroad with high reputation.

The Principal then informed that DMC has set new vision and mission to reach it to a new height, aiming the golden jubilee of our independence in 2021 and accordingly, DMC envisions to be one of the best institutions in South Asia by the year 2021. He added that keeping this in view, DMC develops a preface which is an organizational profile and a snapshot of the whole organization.

This describes the educational programmes, vision, values and mission. These define the workforce groups and their education level and key factors to motivate them to engage in accomplishing mission. Profile describes major facilities, technologies, equipment and regulatory environment. It states local standards, curricula and assessments. Profile also states about competitive environment, strategic context and performance improvement system.

He further added that to achieve this target DMC follows standards for quality development. This means that the standard is in accordance with international consensus about best practice for medical colleges and basic medical education; and DMC has taken effective initiatives to produce doctors as per WFME allotted 100 basic Standards and 91 quality development standards.

Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is seen talking with the teachers and physicians of DMC while his visit to DMC&H.

In an exclusive interview, Prof. Khan Abul Kalam Azad, a high-profile educationalist and physician of the country, replied to several questions asked by The Guardian, covering the history, activities, mystery of K, problems, potentials, achievements, developments and future plans of DMC, including its historic roles and contributions in our Great Language Movement, Mass-uprising of 1969, Great War of Liberation, Anti-dictator Movement of 1990 and nation-building activities of Ban-gladesh as a whole.

His replies are quite outstanding, educative, informative and interesting as well. The excerpts of his valuable interview are presented here for The Guardian readers at home and abroad:

The Guardian: Please give us a short introduction to the long chequered history of Dhaka Medical College (DMC) the way it has come to its present position of success and glory.

Principal: In the long two centuries of British regime, whether the Indian subcontinent has advanced or not is a matter of fine research. But the westernization of education, medical science to be more precise is clearly noticeable. Through the hands of their upholds, the ancient methods of Indian medicine Ayurved, Unany or Herbal have evolved into today’s medical science. Since the renaissance, the Europeans have thrived in every aspect of knowledge. Medical science is no exception, particularly in the 19th century, which was a golden era for medicine.

And the British brought this science to our subcontinent for their own need, which proceeded into the establishment of Kolkata Medical College in 1835. Due to the discriminative measures taken by the British to put an end to the Muslim reign and also because of their anti-British attitude-the Muslim dominated East Bengal had always been neglected.
Maybe that was the reason why no medical college was established in this region, even after a century of the establishment of the Calcutta Medical College. In the long intervening period, a few medical schools were established. In 1858, Mitford Medical School with Mitford Hospital in 1853 and in 1920 Chittagong, Mymensingh, Rajshahi and Sylhet Medical Schools had produced all the doctors of this region for a long time.

The legitimacy of 1905’s Partition of Bengal (Bangabhanga) is a matter of discord among the historians. But we can say that High Court, Supreme Court, Secretariat, Dhaka University -the main administrative and academic structures of modern Bangladesh are the result of the then Viceroy Lord Curzon’s willingness to drive away the educated drawbacks.
Though the ‘Bangabhanga’ was abrogated in 1911, it left clear mark. But the initiative to establish a medical college in East Bengal was not taken before 1939. The year 2nd World War was started, the Dhaka University Council presented a proposal of establishing a medical college in Dhaka. But it was lost in all the commotion until 1945, when the war ended.

The British Government decided to establish 3 medical colleges in Dhaka, Karachi and Madras (presently Chennai). A committee was formed including Dr. Major W J Virgin, civil surgeon of Dhaka at that time and other renowned citizens. Based on their proposal, Dhaka Medical College started its glorious journey on July 10, 1946.

Leaders of Physicians’ community seen with Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina at PM’s Office. Prof. Kham Abul Kalam Azad is, among others, seen present.

The Guardian: And say how the college finally started to work?

Principal: Though the college did not have a building of its own at the beginning, the present hospital building was there from long ago, even before ‘Bangabhanga’. It was established in 1904 as the secretariat of the newly formed province- East Bengal and Asam. Not doctors, but bureaucrats used to roam about its busy corridors then.

In 1921, when Dhaka University started its journey, the authority of the building was handed over to the University administration. At that time, a part of this huge building was used as the University’s Medical Centre, another part as students’ dormitory and the rest as the administrative wing of the arts faculty-truly a unique combination. During the 2nd World War it changed its colour yet again, when it became American Base Hospital. At the end of the war the Americans left, but the hospital remained. Through the course of time, the 100 bed hospital of that time is Bangladesh’s largest hospital today.
In 1946, students were admitted in all years. The 1st year was named K-5, 2nd year K-4, 3rd year K-3, 4th year K-2, and 5th year K-1. All the students except K-5 had migrated from Calcutta Medical College. The main reason behind it was the partition of 1947. Though about half of the present students are female, there used to be none such at the beginning.

The college started in the present hospital building with only three departments. About 100 students were admitted in the 1st year; later on, students were migrated from other medical colleges in the 2nd to 5th year after the partition of British India in 1947.

Dr. Major W J Virgin, the head of the committee formed before establishing Dhaka Medical College, was given the responsibility of running the college as the first principal. Since the college did not have Anatomy and Physiology departments at first, the students had their classes in Mitford Medical School. After a month, Prof. Pashupati Basu of Anatomy and Prof. Hiralal Saha of Physiology joined the staff and the classes began in ward no. 22 of the hospital. There were no lecture gallery or dissection halls at that time. These needs were met after the foundation of the college building in1955.

Besides them, the pioneers of teaching in Dhaka Medical College were Dr. M Hossain (Forensic Medicine), Prof. Altaf Ahmed (Pharmacology), Prof. Anwar Ali and Dr. Kazi Abdul Khaleque (Pathology), Prof. Habibuddin Ahmed and Prof. Homaira Sayee (Midwifery and Gynaecology), Prof. Nawab Ali and Prof AKM Wahed, Prof. AKM Shamsuddin, Prof. Md. lbrahim (Medicine), Dr. Major F W Elison, Prof. E Von Novak and Prof. Giasuddin (Surgery) and many other respected and reputed teachers.

The college building was completed in 1956 and shifted. New students’ hostel was built at Bakshi-Bazar and the students were shifted from the shed barrack (known as Shahid Minar) area to ladies hostel and interne Doctors’ hostel for male and female were also built by 1975. To meet the need the hospital building was extended vertically and also renewed OT/Emergency complex and a Burn unit was built during 1990-2000.

Now Dhaka Medical College has 49 departments offering both MBBS course and 42 Postgraduate courses. It also has the largest attached hospital with 2600 beds with 24 hour emergency services. Though the present bed capacity is 2600 but patients are to be admitted about 3700-3800.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina attended as chief guest in the inaugural ceremony of Dr. Milon Auditorium at DMC.

The Guardian: Please say something about the mystery of K?

Principal: Each and every batch of Dhaka Medical College is named ‘K’. No specific explanation was found regarding this ‘K’. Therefore, various theories are found. Some say ‘K’ is the 11th letter of English alphabet indicating the 11th medical college in the subcontinent at that time.

Some say ‘K’ comes from Kolkata (though it was written Calcutta at that time and presently written Kolkata), as most of the students had migrated from Kolkata Medical College at the beginning.

Some even say ‘K’ comes from Clinical. Whatever the meaning is, at this moment ‘K’ is the identity of almost 10,000 ex-doctors and present students of DMC. It is a part of their life. So why not leave this little mystery remains to be unsolved!
The Guardian: Would you reflect the role of DMC in our great Language Movement of 1952?

Principal: You know in March of 1948, Quade Azam Md. Ali Jinnah declared in Ramna’s racecourse (currently Suhrawardy Uddyan) that ‘Urdu and only Urdu shall be the national language of Pakistan.’ The students went bizarre with rage protesting the decision violently. ‘Bangla for National Language’- the slogan picked up by the protesting students. The Government went for desperate measures to stop the movement. Not only batons and teargas shells, the police went as far as arresting the rebel students. Along with many others, M. I. Chowdhury, Abu Siddique, Ali Asgar, Jasimul Haque and Faridul Haque of DMC were imprisoned.

After this occurrence, Dhaka Medical College dormitory (known as Barrack) became the heart of the language movement till 1952. The Barrack was situated at the same place the Central Shaheed Minar is right now. There was about 20 tin shed barracks where the medical students resided. Being close to the then Parliament of East Pakistan (presently Jagannath Hall of DU), the medical hostel was chosen as the centre of the student movement due to strategic reasons.

Minister for Health & Family Welfare Mohammed Nasim is inspecting Lab activities of DMC. DG of Health Prof. Abul Kalam Azad (on the right of Minister), Secretary of Public Admn M A Faiz (on the left of Minister), Principal of DMC Prof. Khan Abul Kalam Azad and Director of DMC&H Brig. Gen. AKM Nasir Uddin are, among others, seen present.

From early hours of February 21, 1952 all the students of Dhaka started to gather in front of medical college dormitory. The procession was headed for the parliament as the session was being held. As section 144 was imposed and armed police force was on guard, no procession whatsoever was possible. But the courageous students decided to break section 144 at 4:00 PM from the historical ‘Aamtola’ (which was situated beside the present day Emergency gate).The police fired at the procession without any mercy. Salam, Barkat, Rafique, Jabbar and Shafiur died a tragic death.

After sundown of February 21, at the very spot flooded by the martyrs’ blood, the students of Dhaka Medical College decided to build a monument. They worked overnight February 22 and 23 and finished the construction, using the bricks, gravel and cement reserved for the hospital.

The first Shaheed Minar had a 6 square feet base with a height of 1.5 feet at the bottom and 2 square feet at the peak. The whole monument measured about 14-15 feet. The leaders of the then Students’ Union of DMC- VP Golam Mowla, GS Sharfuddin Ahmed, Abdul Hashem, Md. Jahed, Abdul AIim Chowdhury, Ahmad Rafique and many others had led the construction work. It was built upon the design of Mirza Mazharul Islam and Sayeed Haider and writings of Badrul Alam. Father of Shaheed Shafiur was the first one to inaugurate the monument on February 24.

Later, it was officially inaugurated by Mr. Abul Kalam Shamsuddin, editor of the Daily Azad. But the Pakistani Military crushed it to the ground that very evening. Thus the first Shaheed Minar was built.

The Guardian: Would you also say something about the involvement of DMC in different other movements of the 60s?

Principal: The students of DMC played a vital role in the student and mainstream politics of the 60s. When the military government of Ayub Khan started torturing the political leaders, the central student leaders-Sirajul Alam Khan, Late Abdur Razzaq, Late K M Obaidur Rahman, Late Md. Farhad, Late Qazi Jafar Ahmed, Rashed Khan Menon, Haider Akbar Khan Rono, Nuruzzaman, Late Sheikh Moni, Late Saifuddin Ahmed Manik and many others took refuge in the Bakshibazar students’ dormitory of DMC.

Principal of DMC Prof. Khan Abul Kalam Azad and the then Director of DMC&H Brig. Gen. Md. Mizanur Rahman are seen in a meeting with Minister for Health & Family Welfare Mohammed Nasim.

Most of the meetings deciding the upcoming line of action were held in the DMC campus. During the movement protesting the martial law and the Hamidur Rahman Education Commission, DMC and its dormitory were not only a safe refuge for the student leaders, many students of this institution also had active participation in it. Though Ayub Khan managed to suppress the movement for a while by various forces, the student leaders started secret discussions in different halls of DU and DMC to start it again.
According to previous declaration, the police fired and charged on the procession of students near the present emergency gate of DMCH on January 20, 1969. Student leader Asaduzzaman was severely injured. He was admitted in the hospital but breathed his last in ward no. 8 before any treatment was possible.

The students of the DMC led a procession with the blood stained shirt of Shaheed Asad. During that decade the government used to impose frequent curfews to restrict the movement. When the students broke the curfew and brought out processions, the police and military force used to baton charge, even fire at the crowd.

The students and doctors at that time brought the injured people to the hospital by ambulance through the curfew. Many were tortured attempting this fearless humanitarian work. Shortly after the students of Dhaka University had raised the flag of independent Bangladesh in the ‘Bottala’ of DU on March 2, 1971, the doctors of DMCH also raised the flag at the peak of present Doctors’ Cafeteria.

The Guardian: Would you focus on the role of DMC in our great Liberation War of 1971?

Principal: When the Indian subcontinent was divided on the basis of ‘Two Nation Theory’ in 1947, the process of separation was started. Not only were the East and West Pakistan a great distance away, their mentality was completely different. After long 24 years of oppression of the West Pakistanis, the free-willed Bengalis of East Pakistan had to experience history’s most brutal genocide.

Thus the war of freedom began upon the clarion call of 7 March 1971 by our Father of the Nation and great leader Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. The students, nurses, staffs and doctors who had passed from DMC played a major role in the war. Many of them were engaged in battlefields, while others treated the injured freedom fighters in the hospital risking their lives.

So, the role of DMC in the freedom fight can be described in three categories- the students who actively joined the war, the doctors who were working in other hospitals and army medical core, but served as freedom fighters and the ones who were not engaged in armed battle, but gave medical treatment to the wounded freedom fighters and Bengalis.

Au Hafiz Selim, Moazzem Hossain, Selim Ahmed, Abu Yousuf Mia, Ahmed lqbai Faruque, Majibul Haque, Mostafa Jalal Mahiuddin, Mojaffar Ahmed, Amjad Hossain, Syed Wali Ashraf, Osman, Golam Kabir Chowdhury, Jillur Rahman Dalu, Md. Nuruzzaman, Shahadat Hossain, Md. Ruhui Amin, Dr ABM Harun, Ashraf Sayeed, Abu Taher, Ahsan Habib Walace, Md. Zahid, Late Mofajjal Hossain and many other students of DMC at that time participated in the freedom fight in different sectors.

Many of them fought under Dhaka city command. Few students along with others attacked the Razakars (group of collaborators) who had made room no. 107 of present Fazle Rabbi Dormitory as their command centre. The other Razakars of the room fled at the sound of gunshots. One of them was shot at the stairs. They attacked room no. 219 the same day. This group also bombed the college dissection hall.
1st year student Neepa Lahiri was killed at Fatulla while moving to India to join the war. Another student Shirajul Islam helped the freedom fighters in the hospital’s cancer ward at night. With the help of few anti-independent students of DMC, he was brutally murdered at Rayerbazar Boddhobhumi by the Razakars on the night of December 11. DMC students Squadron leader M Shamsul Haque, Major Khurshid, Major Shamsul AIam, Captain Abdul Latif Mallik, Captain Mosharraf Hossain, Captain A Mannan, Lt. Akhtar, Lt. Nurul Islam and other officers of the army medical core were appointed in different sectors.

The Principal is delivering his speech in a discussion meeting on 27th November on the occasion of death anniversary of Shaheed Dr. Shamsul Alam Khan Milon. Minister for Road Transport & Bridges Obaidul Quader attended as chief guest is seen on the podium.

Among them Captain Khurshid was awarded ‘Bir Uttam’ and Lt. Akhtar ‘Bir Prateek’. Among them members of the medical core of Pakistan Army who became martyrs, Dr. Lt. Col. A F Ziaur Rahman, Dr. Major Asadul Haque, Dr. Lt. Aminul Haque, Dr. Lt. Khandker Abu Jafar, Md. Nurul lmam and other were students of DMC.

Almost all the doctors working at DMCH used to help the injured freedom fighters. They used to admit them under false names. All these works were coordinated by Dr. Fazle Rabbi. He used to spend a good portion of his income in helping the freedom fighters in various ways.

At the ending days of the war, the Razakar-Al Badrs threatened him and many other doctors by sending letters containing the words “Calcutta’s Marowari middlemen will be killed”. The red inked letters had a sword drawn on it without any address. Ignoring the threats, the doctors of DMCH kept helping the freedom fighters. Though appointed in Sir Salimullah Medical College, Shaheed Dr. Alim Chowdhury spent most of his time at DMCH.

Many doctors of DMC went to India to participate in the war in various ways. Some of them were engaged in first hand battle. Some worked for the inured freedom fighters and refugees. Dr. Shishir Majumder, Dr. Sarwar Ali, Prof. Syed Modasser Ali, Dr. Wajedul Islam Khan, Dr. Maksuda Nargis, Dr. Qazi Tamanna, Dr. Fouzia Moslem, Dr. Sameer Kumar Sharma and many other unnamed doctors of DMC actively participated in the liberation war. Many doctors risked their lives to help the freedom fighters from inside the country. Many of them were killed by the Pakistani army and Razakars for this.

The Guardian: Would you also focus on the role of DMC in Anti-dictator movement of 1990?

Principal: The mass uprising of 90’s remain a bright chapter in Bangladesh’s political aspect. After long nine years of autocracy, the tormented people revolted at the end of the year 1990. The student leaders of Dhaka University sought refuge in Shaheed Dr. Fazle Rabbi Hostel of DMC for safety. Obviously, DMC became the centre of the movement. The doctors also actively participated in the movement protesting the anti-people health policy of Ershad’s Government under the banner of Bangladesh Medical Association (BMA). On November 27, while on his way to attend BMA’s meeting Shaheed Dr. Shamsul Alam Khan Milon, student of batch K- 34 and lecturer of Physiology, was murdered by Ershad Government’s hired mercenaries. Due to his death, the anti movement went on in full swing and ended in the fall of Ershad’s regime on December 6, 1990.

The Guardian: In this context, would you assess the contribution of DMC in our nation-building activities?

Principal: You know the participation, contributions and commitments of DMC students and teachers during the significant events of nation were outstanding. During language movement students of DMC played a leading role along with students of Dhaka University. Meanwhile the first monument for the martyrs of 21st February was designed by late Professor Badrul Alam, then an activist and student of Dhaka Medical College. It was built over night by students residing in the barracks for medical students.

View of first Shaheed Minar and the then barrack- students’ hostel of DMC.

During the war of liberation in1971 many students of DMC joined as freedom fighters in the frontline while scopes of others participated in every possible way in different sectors. More than twenty doctors and students sacrificed their lives for our beloved motherland. Even, during the anti-dictator movement of 1990, DMC had a notable role that ended in the culmination of ousting dictator on 6 December 1990.

The nation is proud of them. Efforts in nation building activities continued even after the liberation war on different occasions of national interest. DMC has also extended its helpful hands at all times of national calamities and disasters anywhere in the country as well as to individuals at the time of their dire needs.

The Guardian: It is learnt that DMC has set new vision and mission to reach it to a new height, aiming the golden jubilee of our independence in 2021. Please discuss this in detail.

Principal: Yes, that vision of Dhaka Medical College and Hospital is to be one of the best organizations in South Asia by the year 2021 at Golden Jubilee of our Independence.

Currently, Dhaka Medical College develops a preface which is an organizational profile and a snapshot of the whole organization. This describes the educational programmes, vision, values and mission. These define the workforce groups and their education level and key factors to motivate them to engage in accomplishing mission. Profile describes major facilities, technologies, equipments and regulatory environments. It states local standards, curricula and assessments. Profile also states about competitive environment, strategic context and performance improvement system.

The Guardian: In this context, would you discuss the outcomes and objectives set by DMC to attain the new goals?

Principal: DMC follows standards for quality development, this means that the standard is in accordance with international consensus about best practice for medical colleges and basic medical education. Fulfilment of or initiatives to fulfil some or all of such standards should be documented by medical colleges. Fulfilment of these standards will vary with the stage of development of the medical colleges, their resources and educational policy. Standards for quality development are expressed by a ‘Should’. WFME allotted 100 basic Standards and 91 quality development standards. Altogether a total of 121 standards are used to clarify, amplify or exemplify expression in the standards.

A partial View of present DMC&H.

Through following Basic Standards, DMC aims to produce medical doctors:
1. Competent at a basic level.
2. With an appropriate foundation for future career in any branch of medicine.
3. Capable of undertaking the roles of doctors as defined by the health sector.

Through following quality development standard DMC ensures that the mission encompasses:
1. Medical research attainment,
2. Aspects of global health,
3. Co-ordinate the linkage of out come to acquire by graduation with that in postgraduate training.
DMC has academic freedom for staff and administration to design the curriculum by using the allocated resources necessary for implementation of curriculum.

The Guardian: Would you now focus on the present scenario of academic, treatment, physical infrastructure and other relevant facilities available at DMC?

Principal: You know DMC started in 1946 in a building, built in the light of colonial architecture in 1902, in the centre of the city between Dhaka University and Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) in the Ramna area. The central Shaheed Minar borders its northern boundary. It is well connected to all parts of the city and the country. The Hazrat Shaahjalal International Airport is about 20 km and the central railway station at Kamalapur is within eight km from the premises. The majestic building now accommodates the famous Dhaka Medical College & Hospital (DMC&H).

The college boasts of a highly reputed array of intellectuals and academics. Its students are extremely talented with an intense affinity for gathering knowledge to attain excellence and a deep sense of commitment to serve the nation. The college is now running with an MBBS course admitting around 190 students each year. In 1982 postgraduate courses were started with Diploma in Anaesthesiology and Gynaecology and Obstetrics (OBGN).

Later on, other Postgraduate diplomas in various disciplines were added. Master’s degree, M. Phil and Diploma courses in many disciplines were introduced in 2002 by the Faculty of Medicine and Postgraduate of Dhaka University. From July 2010, all postgraduate courses are conducted under Babgabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU). Admission tests and course final examinations of postgraduate courses are conducted by the office of the controller of examinations, BSMMU. Presently 42 Postgraduate courses are being run by the college. There are also short term training courses of different departments which are running in collaboration with various organizations.

Infrastructures: The main college building was completed in 1955-56. The Principal’s Office, Administrative block, Library, and Reading room are situated in this building. Pre-clinical departments- Physiology and Biochemistry and Para-clinical departments- Pharmacology, Pathology, Microbio-logy, Community Medicine and Forensic Medicine are located in first and second floor of this building.

Physicians and students of DMC&H martyred in the great Liberation War of Bangladesh.

An extension of the old hospital building houses the Anatomy Department with dissection hall and Anatomy and Pathology Museums. New space is under construction as vertical extension of the Nuclear Medicine building.

Academic Facilities: The facilities available at the college are as follows.

Two Lecture galleries: For 250 students each.
Dissection Hal: This is a unique facility for students in the Department of Anatomy. Here formalin fixed dead bodies, prossected parts of body and viscera are preserved as teaching aid.

Anatomy and Pathology Museums: These facilities are provided for the Departments of Anatomy and Pathology. Human viscera, dead fetus, pathological, viscera, models, skeletal, research materials etc. are present here.

Lab and other facilities: There are a number of Practical Laboratories, Teaching Morgue for Autopsy, Two Examination Halls, Library and Reading Room, and Two separate Common Rooms for male and female students.

Hostel and auditorium facilities: DMC has a number hostel for male and female students and also a modern auditorium. These are mentioned here in brief.

Dr. Aleem Chowdhury Hall: The ladies’ hostel situated in front of college building was built in 1952. This was named as Dr. Alim Chowdhury Hall in 1972. This hall has 70 rooms and accommodates 170 students.

Dr. Milon Hall: The building was built in 1975 for accommodation of female students. In 1992, it was named after Shaheed Dr. Shamsul Alam Khan Milon. It has 116 rooms and can accommodate more than 320 students. A new hall for female students is now under construction adjacent to it.

Heads of different departments and Vice-Principal of DMC are seen with the Principal.

Dr. Fazle Rabbi Hall: The hall for male students situated in the Bakshibazar intersection was built between 1950 and 1955. In 1972, it was named after Shaheed Professor Dr. Fazle Rabbi. The four storied main building has got 134 rooms and can accommodate 400 students. Three four storied blocks having 96 rooms accommodate further 250 students.

Shaheed Dr. Milon Internee Hostel: In 1974-75, a separate hostel was built for male internee doctors with a capacity of 200 persons. This was later named as ‘Shaheed Dr. Milon Intern Hostel’ There is a big ground for football and cricket, a tennis court, a squash court, a basketball ground, gymnasium, separate building for indoor games to provide students sporting facilities.

Auditorium: A modern auditorium with 1000 seating capacity offers opportunities for seminar and other co-curricular activities. The auditorium is named after Shaheed Dr. Shamsul Alam Khan Milon and was inaugurated on November 27, 1996.

PIC: National Poison Information Centre (PIC) has been established under the auspices of the WHO and in collaboration with the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) and the Department of Forensic Medicine, DMC during 2004-2005. This is the first of its kind in Bangladesh. Under the current Biennium 2006-2007, provision has been made to strengthen the PIC with minimum physical facilities and trained manpower required to start initial activities on

1. Baseline survey on poisoning cases;
2. Devolvement of the database website regarding research and documentation.
3. Surveillance of poisoning cases at divisional head quarter level;
4. Risk assessment, diagnosis, management and prevention of poisoning cases.

Moreover, it provides general information about toxic substances, their properties and toxicity. The training of health care professionals for appropriate management of poisoning and snake bite is arranged by the centre.
Central DNA Lab and National DNA Data Base: National Forensic DNA Profiling Laboratory is the first of its kind in Bangladesh. It is currently situated on the 10th floor of the Nuclear & Ultrasound Centre established under multi sectoral programme for the prevention of violence against woman of Bangladesh. Government Department of Women and Children Affairs and DANIDA have provided financial and technical assistance for it. This laboratory is to assist the investigation concerning murder, rape and paternity, maternity, immigration, distribution of wealth among successors, deformed dead bodies and other cases that needs to be identified.

Dean’s Office: The Offices of two Deans viz the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and the Dean of Postgraduate Medicine and Research are both housed in 9th floor of Nuclear & Ultrasound Centre. They form the link between Dhaka University and Dhaka Medical College.

The Principal is visiting a child patient at Chikungunia Corner of DMC&H.

Nuclear & Ultrasound Centre: Nuclear & Ultrasound Centre is housed in a 10-storied building where various pathological investigations and imaging take place.

Newer Academic building: A new 5-storied new academic building is under construction with more lecture galleries, exam hall, laboratories and classroom.

Dhaka Medical College Alumni Trust: Dhaka Medical College Alumni Trust was formed in 1989. Its primary objectives are to develop medical education, collect educational material, continuous organization of education project and help the poor students. One of its regular activities is induction of intern doctors. Besides, it organized reunion in 1989, Millennium Get Together in 2001 and DMC Day on July 10, 2003- 2006.Generous donations are invited. There is provision for life membership.

DMCSU: Dhaka Medical College Students’ Union (DMCSU) is the organization of the elected representatives of the students for the welfare of the students. According to the Constitution of DMCSU, Principal acts as the president of this student union. One Vice President, one General Secretary, six Secretaries and twelve members are elected by direct vote of the students for one year. The Union has got six sections: Athletic, Common Room, Sports, Literary, Social Welfare and Entertainment. Every section is managed by one secretary and two members. Student’ Union forms a bridge between teachers and students. The Vice President and General Secretary are members of academic council.

Medicine Club: The medicine club of Dhaka Medical College is established as like as other Medical Colleges in Bangladesh. The motto of the club is to distribute free medicines to the poor patients. Furthermore, the club is dedicated to save lives at times of natural calamities and obsolete situations.

Computer Club: The computer club of Dhaka Medical College was established on the 5th February 2000. The club is situated at the 4th floor besides the reading room of DMC. The club was institutionalized to acquaint the medical students with the ICT in modern days. The club provides Basic Computer Courses, internet facilities to the students. It is also playing a vital role in developing medical based software, collecting updated database as well, which will help to enrich the students with computer literacy. The monthly publication ‘Cursor’ is a symbol of its ongoing computer related activities.

Debating Club: The mammoth curriculum in Medical Science makes its disciples difficult to take part in extra-curricular activities. The practice of debate in Dhaka Medical College in this regard is unthinkable. But some brave doctors have come forward to organize the debating club. Ever since its brilliant scholars have enlightened the club in early days. The club attends national debating programmes to keep its activities living.

DMC rally on the occasion of Bangladesh’s promotion from LDC towards DC. The Principal is, among others, seen taking part in the rally.

Sandhani: Sandhani (Seeker), the pioneer of voluntary blood donation movement in Bangladesh, started its journey on February 5, 1977 from the premises of Dhaka Medical College. This organization was born from the uncompromising love of 6 dedicated and hard working youths for their friend. It never had to look back since then. In the first year of its journey ‘Voluntary Blood Donation Programme’ was not included. In November 1978, Sandhani organized ‘Voluntary Blood Donation Programme’ for the first time in DMCH Blood Bank.

Later, this day was declared as the National Voluntary Blood Donation & Posthumous Eye Donation Day. Every year Sandhani collects on an average 40,000 bags of blood which is very inadequate to meet the demand of this country but still it meets a very significant portion of this requirement. Sandhani has been awarded independence award in 2004 and continues its journey as a servitude to mankind.

Rotaract Club: Rotaract service club is now known worldwide. Like other institutions, Dhaka Medical College also has a Rotaract Club. The main objectives of the club are to foster leadership, develop fellowship and initiate projects to help the needy people in times of crisis and natural hazards. Besides, the club takes part in early warning programms, provides training on emergency patients’ management and organizes awareness on STD and others diseases, strengthening family planning programme. The club arranges Freshers’ reception, demo classes and outdoor dayout programmes. ‘SPONDON’ is the annual magazine published by the club.

The Guardian: Now, please mention the names of courses as well as degrees currently offered by DMC?

Principal: Dhaka Medical College is centre of academic excellence in various fields of Medicine and conducts graduate, postgraduate and training courses. It offers undergraduate course-MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery) and Postgraduate courses-MS (Master of Surgery), MD (Doctor of Medicine), M Phil (Master of Philosophy), MPH (Master of Public Health), Diploma, Training courses-FCPS (Fellow of College of Physicians and Surgeons), Part-II Training and Short term training courses of different disciplines.

The then Director of DMC&H Brig Gen. Shahidul Islam Mallick is giving a crest to Professor Dr. Shahla Khatun on the occasion of her being National Professor. Principal of DMC Prof Khan Abul Kalam Azad is seen present.

The Guardian: In this context, would you tell us whether the Degrees offered by DMC are recognized by the international community of medical world?

Principal: Of course, the MBBS degree and other Postgraduate degrees obtained from DMC are recognized widely all over the world.

The Guardian: Would you discuss the admission criteria, policy and selection for undergraduate course?

Principal: Dhaka Medical College admits 197 students every year in the 1st year MBBS course. Currently, 1000 local and 100 foreign students are studying MBBS Course at DMC. Candidates are selected by the Directorate General of Health Services on the basis of merit through a nationwide written test. To finalize the merit list marks obtained by a candidate in the written test is added to the GPA scores of HSC and SSC. There are seats reserved for the tribal students and children of freedom fighters.
1. The candidate must apply in a certain time of the year of admission into the college decided by DGHS.
2. The candidate must pass SSC and HSC having the subjects of Physics, Chemistry and Biology from any board of Intermediate and Secondary Education of Bangladesh or an equivalent Examination.
3. The minimum score should be GPA 3.5 in either SSC or HSC, but total GPA 8 in HSC and SSC except for Tribal students.
4. Marks conversion from GCE or Equivalence certificate for students with ‘0’ level and ‘A’ level certificates may be obtained from the Directorate General of Health Services, Mohakali, Dhaka.
5. Foreign students need not sit for admission tests. They are required to apply through their respective Governments through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The Guardian: Would you discuss the curriculum composition, structure, duration and organization of course?

Principal: Principles of education outline the aims and the educational strategy resulting in a good doctor competent at a basic level. Dhaka Medical College challenges to teach sufficient factual knowledge and practical skills and also to encourage students to be enquiring, analytical and to develop desirable professional attitudes. Also attempts throughout the course to implant meticulous ethical principles.

Teachers, physicians, students and employees of DMC&H are paying tribute to the intellectual martyrs of Liberation War on the occasion of Intellectual Martyr Day. Principal Prof Khan Abul Kalam Azad, Director Brig Gen AKM Nasir Uddin and Vice-Principal Prof. Md. Shafiqul Alam Chowdhury of DMC&H are seen on the podium with Dr. Nujhat Chowdhury (extreme left), daughter of Shaheed Dr. Alim Chowdhury; Nasrin Sultana, daughter of Shaheed Dr. Fazle Rabbi (on the left of Dr. Nujhat Chowdhury); and Shyamuli Nasrin Chowdhury (on the left of Sultana).

Dhaka Medical College follows the curriculum 2002, designed by BMDC curriculum committee including basic and clinical Sciences. The curriculum structure composition, duration, sequencing of courses and other curricular elements ensure appropriate coordination between basic biomedical, behavioural and social and clinical subjects.

It is organized so, as not only does this help to enforce basic concepts but it also highlights the relevance of the basic sciences to later clinical practice. Curriculum also ensures horizontal intregration of associated science, discipline and subject.

The compositions of curriculum in phase-I are integrated into three terms before first professional examination at the year two. Phase-II organizes the curricular composition into two parts, clinical and basic.

Clinical placement of third year integrated in first round and completion takes place into first term final exam. That of fourth year is integrated in second round and completion occurs through second term final examination before the second professional examination at the year four. In phase-III curricular compositions including clinical placement of fifth year is integrated into third round and completion takes place through third term final examination before the final professional examination at the end of year five. Gynae & Obst arranges 1st and 2nd round for year four and year five respectively.

In this curriculum, year three has a clinical exposure of Surgery for 12 wks, Medicine for next 12 wks followed by internal assessment (Term-I). Then Surgery/allied and Medicine/allied ward placement for the month 7-10 followed by internal assessment (Term-II). For year four clinical exposure of Medicine/ Paediatrics, Surgery & Allied followed by an internal assessment at the month six (06). Then ward placement of Gynae & Obst inpatient and outpatient departments followed by Term-III.

This curriculum has input from the environment in which graduates will be expected to work and should undertake programme modification in response to feedback from the community and society. In future the curriculum committee should develop a mechanism to identify local, national and regional needs such as a consultative committee with broad community representation.

The Guardian: And discuss the teaching and learning method conducted for undergraduate course by DMC?

Principal: Dhaka Medical College follows teaching and learning methods enjoyable and consistent with the college’s educational objectives. These educational strategies promote student-centred learning, stimulate analytical skills and organization of knowledge and foster life-long learning skills. It provides educational principles of active student participation, problem solving and development of communication skills. Medium of teaching of MBBS course is English.

The Principal and Vice-Principal of DMC are seen with the Secretary of the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare Md. Sirajul Islam Khan.

Dhaka Medical College has an excellent centre of facilities and teaching expertise. Graduates from DMC have the opportunity to work in rural, suburban, community and private hospitals, in general practice, in community health centres, in nursing homes, and other settings which allow them to gain the necessary clinical experience of ambulatory care. Dhaka Medical College provides opportunity to the students who need experience in such general practice to make informed career decisions.

The objectives and the assessment of all clinical placements, in hospitals and in the community, used to define clearly to the students and teachers. The Quality Assurance Body (QAB) of Dhaka Medical College has a well-organized system to ensure all clinical placements to enable students to undertake a thorough study of a series of patients under close faculty supervision. QAB performs functions through the Continuing Medical Education (CME) unit of DMC.

When they are attached outside the main teaching hospitals, every effort must be made to ensure equivalent educational experience with appropriate support services. The medical college used to make a special effort to monitor the educational experiences in these more remote clinical attachments through the programmes organized by CME.

The Guardian: Would you discuss the system of educational assessment and various examinations conducted for undergraduate course?

Principal: Student learning is driven by assessment and it is therefore essential that methods of student assessment match and reinforce the goals and objectives of the medical course. Dhaka Medical College therefore develops valid and reliable instruments to assess all their specific educational objectives. Assess-ment comprises formative assessment, where assessment is for student guidance only and summative assessment, which serves to determine student progression.

It is the prime responsibility of the college to certify to Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council and to Dhaka University that a student has achieved the knowledge, skill and attitude necessary to make him a safe practitioner in Medicine. This implies that the student will be assessed at different points of the course. It is very essential that one knows the assessment requirements and complies with the prescribed requirements within the specified time to be eligible to sit for the examination. Otherwise the student will be losing valuable academic session and will become irregular in his studies.

The Principal of DMC accompanied by physicians, officers and employees of DMC&H paying homage to the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on the occasion of National Mourning Day.

The term formative assessment refers to frequent or ongoing evaluation during courses, programmes or learning experiences that gives an early indication of what students are learning, as well as their strengths and weaknesses. Formative assessment often is used as a diagnostic tool for students and faculty, providing information with which to make real-time improvements in instructional methods, materials, activities, techniques and approaches.

Formative assessment is taken through the course after each small segment of instruction. In the formative assessment attendance and performance will be assessed through item examinations, card completion examinations and term final examinations and will be recorded. The purpose of formative assessment is to assess learning difficulties and improve by taking feedback from the teachers. Regular attendance in formative assessment is important as 20% marks of written in summative examination will be taken from formative assessment.

The term summative assessment refers to longitudinal analysis of the learning and performance of students and alumni. Summative assessments tend to be formal and comprehensive, and they often cover global subject matter. Such assessments may be conducted at the conclusion of a course or programme and could be compared to the result of pretesting to determine gains and to clarify the causal connections between educational practices and student learning. They may be used for purposes of determining final grades, placement, and promotion, as well as for licensure or certification.

Summative assessments are also called Professional Examinations and are conducted by Dhaka University. There are three Professional Examinations. These examinations have written, which includes ‘Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) and Short Answered Questions (SAQ), Oral (SOE) and Practical or Clinical Components (OSPE, OSCE)’.
1. MBBS Course is of 05 (five) years duration plus 01(one) year Internship Training.
2. There will be 4 Professional Examinations during the MBBS Course. These are at the end of 1 and 1/ 2 years: 1st Professional Exam; at the end of 2 and 1/2 years: 2nd Professional exam; at the end of 3 and 1/2 years: 3rd Professional Exam, and at the end of 5 years: Final Professional Exam.
3. There will be 2 (two) Professional Examinations in one year: One in 1st week of May and another in 1st week of October.

Subjects with marks allocated for different Professional Examinations will be as follows:
In 1st Professional Exam: Anatomy- 500 Marks, Physiology- 400 Marks, Biochemistry- 400 Marks; Total- 1300 Marks. In 2nd Professional Exam: Community Medicine-300 Marks, Forensic Medicine & Toxicology-300 Marks; Total- 600 Marks.
In 3rd Professional exam: Pathology- 300 + Microbiology- 300 + Pharmacology-300; Total-900 marks.
In Final Professional Exam: Medicine- 500 Marks, Surgery- 500 Marks, Obs. & Gynae- 500 Marks; Total- 1500 Marks.

Leaders of physicians’ community are seen in the office of DMC Principal.

Pass Mark will be 60% in each Written, Oral and Practical/Clinical Exam, Separately.
Marks and pattern of questions in written Examination in each subject will be as follows:
1. 10% Marks of written examination of each paper of each subject is allocated for formative assessment.
2. 20% Marks are allocated for MCQ for each paper. There will be separate Answer Script for MCQ examination. Time allocation is 1 (one) minute for each question consisting of 5 items (20 questions).
3. 70 % Marks are allocated for SAQ (Except in Com. Medicine) for each paper.
4. For oral, clinical and practical, the examination system and marks distribution is shown against each subject.
5. Oral part of the examination will be Structured Oral.

The Guardian: Would you mention the eligibility for Professional Examinations in undergraduate course?

Principal: A student has attended not less than 75% of the minimum prescribed number of lectures and practical classes and demonstration /clinical classes in all subjects of examinations. S/he must pass all three term examinations in the subjects of examinations and certificates of satisfaction from the Heads of departments and Principal of the College and must pass 1st Professional Examination for 2nd Professional Examination and 2nd Professional Examination for Final Professional Examination.

If a candidate failed in examination or absent for 4 consecutive times, s/he will not be allowed to appear for the 5th time but have to attend class with regular batch and will apply for permission for appearing examination to the chairman, examination committee and will be allowed to appear for the sixth time (Memo. No. reg./Admin-5/1618-19, Dated 07-10-2009).

The Guardian: And say when or for what Honours is given?

Principal: An examinee will have to secure at least 60% marks in each of Written, Oral, Practical and Clinical Examinations separately to pass in each subject. If a candidate secures 85% marks in a subject then he is given Honours in that subject.

The Guardian: Would you tell us something in brief about postgraduate medical education?

Principal: Postgraduate medical education is the phase of medical education in which doctors develop competencies after completion of their basic medical qualification. This phase of training is usually conducted according to specified regulations and rules. The training has developed from a setting similar to apprenticeship, meaning that the young doctors work e.g. in clinical settings with more experienced colleagues who take the responsibility for their instruction and supervision.

Postgraduate medical education comprises pre-registration training, vocational/professional training, specialist and sub-specialist training and other formalized training programmes for defined expert functions.

In addition to the practical clinical aspects, further theoretical education is required. This can be organized in various ways, either closely connected with the clinical training or through regional, national or international theoretical courses. Such programmers may be managed by university specialist boards, medical societies and colleges or institutes for post graduate medical education.

The then Foreign Minister Dr. Dipu Moni opening the Surgical Handbook. Prof. Khan Abul Kalam Azad is seen present among two former DMC Principals- Prof. Dr. Deen Mohammad (extreme left) and Prof Dr. Ismail Khan (on the right of Prof. Khan Abul Kalam Azad) and other DMC Professors and distinguished guests.

Postgraduate medical education is part of the continuum of learning in medicine, which also includes Continuing Medical Education (CME) or Continuing Professional Development (CPD) are characterized by self-directed learning rather than supervised training. Although often used to designate the period commences after completion of under graduate or postgraduate training, it is evident that CME/CPD is a much more far-reaching activity throughout the continuum of medical education.

Continuing Professional Develo-pment (CPD) designates the period of education and training of doctors commencing after completion of basic medical education and postgraduate training, thereafter extending throughout each doctor’s professional working life. However, CPD is a much more far-reaching activity throughout the continuum of medical education.

The Guardian: And say how many postgraduate courses as well as degrees DMC is currently offering?

Principal: I have already informed you that Dhaka Medical College currently conducts 45 postgraduate courses in different disciplines and 900 students are currently studying these courses. MD, MS courses are of 5 years duration consisting of three parts. Part-I and Part-II courses are each of 6 (six) months duration and Part-III is of two years. Training for different disciplines varies. M. Phil. courses are of two years duration and divided into three parts. Diploma courses are of one year duration. Courses begin from January for MD, MS courses and from July for M. Phil., MPH and Diploma courses.

The Guardian: Would you mention the admission criterion and prerequisite for various postgraduate courses?

Principal: The students take admission in Dhaka Medical College in the months of May and November every year after appearing in the written admission test. Preliminary selection is done by admission committee through scrutiny of applications with required documents. Students are admitted in 39 disciplines of Postgraduate, MD, MS, M. Phil, Diploma, FCPS and MPH courses of Dhaka Medical College in different disciplines.

The courses are run under Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU) form 2002. Selection of candidates is done by admission committee of BSMMU. All Admission tests are held in April of each year to get admission in July of that year. Before that University of Dhaka conducted all the courses. Form the year 2002, courses are conducted by the Faculty of Postgraduate Medical Science & Research, Dhaka University.

MD/MS Part-I – Completion of 2 years after Graduation (MBBS/ recognized equivalent degree) on or before 31st December. Applicants must have updated registration from BM&DC. Age of the applicants should not exceed 45 years on 31st December for MD/MS Part-III-MS / MD/ FCPS (Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics). FRCS/MRCP/MRCOG or any other degree or diploma equivalent to the above and recognized by BM&DC may apply for admission directly into Part-Ill. Candidates must have previous training required in the speciality he wants to apply.

Eligibility for admission into M. Phil, MPH and Diploma Courses include MBBS or its equivalent degree recognized by BMDC plus training in the subject. Duration of training is different for each subject. Interested candidates can consult the college office for specific requirements.

The Guardian: And discuss examination system conducted for various postgraduate courses?

Principal: The examinations are held twice a year (May and November). At least one thousand students sit for the examination. Written, Viva, Practical and Clinical examinations are held. The question papers are printed under the supervision of the Controller of Examinations and those are kept in safe custody in the strong room of the office of Controller of Examination. Question papers are supplied to the examination centre (DMC) in examination days under the control of the controller of Examination.

The examiners appointed by the controller of examination conduct the oral, practical examinations and evaluate the answer scripts. After completion of the examination, two tabulators appointed by the controller of examinations to tabulate the result and the controller of examinations takes necessary steps for publishing the results.

According to the decision (10-09-2008) of Academic Council and Postgraduate Medical & Research Faculty (18-06-2008), rules and regulations regarding examinations of MD/MS courses are recommended as below.
(a) In 1st part a candidate will appear in examination for consecutive 8 (eight) times. If a candidate fails, s/he will be regarded as course out. No carry on system will be existed.
(b) The candidate who got admitted before 2006, after passing 1st part examination they must complete 2 (two) years training period before entry in to part-II course. Again a candidate will appear for examination for consecutive 8 (eight) times for passing part-II examination. If a candidate fails, s/he will be regarded as course out.
(c) After passing Part- II examination without any interval a candidate will enter into Part- Ill (Final) course. Candidate will appear examinations without any term limit. The above rules and regulations will be implementated for the students of MD and MS course of both new and old curriculum (Ref. No. Admin-5/1966-67, Dated 01-09-2008).

For M. Phil. (Medical Science) Anatomy, a candidate who fails in Part-I or Part-II examination may reappear at a subsequent examination on payment of usual fees without further pursuing a course of the same studies. The candidate must clear Part-I or Part-II examinations, within a period of 2 (two) years of joining the course and must pass final examination within a period of 5 (five) years of joining the course.
Part – I: Examination on completion of first 6 (six) months of total 600 marks, pass mark- 360. Part-II: Examination on completion of 1st year of enrollment total 600 marks, pass mark – 360 Part-III: Examination on completion of 2nd year of enrolment.

Candidate who failed in final examination may reappear at a subsequent examination on payment of usual fees without carrying out further new research except that is necessary to correct defects in the existing thesis.

The Guardian: Would you discuss the training facilities of DMC?

Principal: In addition to offering examination and treatment services, DMC also provides training facilities to doctors, nurses and technologists and develops medical personnel specialized in the field of medicine.

Short term training courses are arranged by different departments as Continued Medical Education program (CME). These courses are of different duration based on the subject. These includes IMCI (Integrated Management of Childhood Illness) conducted by Paediatrics Deptt., Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) by Anaesthesia Department, and on Management of Severe Malaria, Dengue, Snake Bite, Bird Flue by Internal Medicine Department.

Honorary trainings are provided for 6 months or according to need of the departments. Nursing trainings are provided by Dhaka Medial College Hospital. Students are the resident of NTC within the Dhaka Medical Campus.

Apart from this, in 2009 Teachers’ trainings are arranged on educational science and teaching methodology, computer training and workshop on curriculum at national level, on medical education and quality assurance and accreditation, on research activities and teaching methodology. Fellowship training is arranged abroad. Three fellowship trainings are arranged during the year 2009.

In 2010 orientation on curriculum workshop on clinical updates and review of MBBS curriculum and research in Bioethics, 109 teachers are trained within country. Fellowship trainings are provided by the teachers on introduction of structured oral examination in Master of Surgery (Paediatric Surgery) in institute fellowship, FAIMER, Philadelphia, USA.

The Guardian: Please mention the various medical services available at DMC?

Principal: DMC provides a good number of services relating to academic, medical treatment and healthcare. These are mentioned here categorically.

Academic Services: Pre-clinical department solely provides this service and this includes teaching learning and examination and provided by department of Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry.

Diagnostic Services: Para-clinical departments and also some clinical departments provide this service and this includes diagnosis of diseases through different means of tests with modern technologies on a regular basis. This service is provided by Biochemistry, Pathology, Microbiology, Virology, Forensic Medicine, Neuclear Medicine, DNA profling and data base centre, Haematology, Radiology and Imaging, Clinical Pathology, Cardiology, Gastroenterology. These departments also provide teaching learning and examination services. There is also a nuclear research centre for this purpose.

Therapeutic and Treatment Services: Clinical departments provide these services. This department also provides teaching learning and examination services. Dhaka Medical College is determined to maintain the quality of its health care services in line with the motto service minded devotion to society’. DMC stated that it had to strive to be a scientifically sound college & hospital, so that it would offer examination and treatment services to the students, doctors and to the injured and the sick, so as to relieve the health care burdens of the authorities in time of peace and in time of war. It would strictly adhere to the credo to give help to the public regardless of ethnicity, social class and caste, sect and religion, or political affiliation.

With the adoption of highly advanced technologies of science medicine and computer science and in collaboration with principal and a wide range of stakeholder including educational and health care authorities, the Dhaka Medical College & Hospital is strongly determined to further develop its services. In addition, the hospital also serves as a training venue for medical Graduate and Postgraduate students, residents, fellows of the faculty of medicine. Arguably, as a centre for excellence in various medical disciplines, Dhaka Medical College & Hospital is hopeful for further development.

Dhaka Medical College & Hospital is divided into 49 departments. It has 1800 bedded teaching hospital for the students of Dhaka Medical College. The hospital building was built in 1902 and now has 45 wards for indoor patients of various disciplines. It also houses hospital Director’s office and administrative office. The building was extended in late nineties to accommodate the new Operation Theatre Complex, Emergency, Observation Ward, CCU, ICU and OCC. The services provided by the hospital are:
Emergency: 24-hours service for all kinds of emergency patients.

ICU: There is a 10-beded ICU attached to the Anaesthesia Department and also a neonatal ICU attached to Paediatrics Department.
CCU: 10 bedded CCU.

Burn Unit
Specialized and complete treatment of burn cases.

Bone Marrow Transplant Centre
It is the latest service started in 2015 & first of it’s kind in Bangladesh

Poison Information Centre
Providing appropriate management of poisoning and snake bite.

Outpatient Departments
Outpatient services of Medicine, Surgery, Gynae and Obstetrics, Eye, ENT, Psychiatry, Skin and VD, Paediatrics, Cardiology, Haematol-ogy, Gastroenterology, Radiotherapy and Dental departments.

Admitted patients are recognized as indoor patients. The might be treated by Surgery and Allied Department, Medicine and Allied Department or Gynae Departments. The pathway of patients, directed from specific outdoor of the hospital to the indoor. Beds for Medicine and allied specialities, Paediatrics and Neonatology, Surgery and allied specialities, Paediatric Surgery, Eye, ENT, Gynae and Obstetrics, Radiotherapy patients are provided by the hospital.

Diagnostic Departments
Pathology, Microbiology, Virology, Forensic Medicine, Neuclear Medicine, DNA profiling and data base centre, Haematology, Transfusion Medicine, Radiology and Imaging, Clinical Pathology, Cardiology, Gastroenterology, Skin & VD.

Daycare Service
In Haematology, Radiotherapy, Paediatric Surgery, Paediatrics (ORT corner).
Blood Bank
Safe Blood Transfusion.

Other services
Fistula Centre- only such facility in Bangladesh, OCC (One stop Crisis Centre), DOTs Programme, MCH and FP Service, Immunization Services, Breast Feeding Corner, Child Neurology Clinic, Epilepsy Clinic, Spasticity Clinic, Jaundice Clinic, Thyroid Clinic, Hypertension Clinic, Headache Clinic, Pain Clinic, IBS & Abdominal Pain Clinic, Keloid Clinic, Arthritis Clinic and Social Welfare Department.

The Guardian: Would you give us a firsthand knowledge about the administration system of DMC?

Principal: Administrative staff and management of the medical college are appropriate to support the implementation of the educational programme and other activities and to ensure good management and deployment of these resources. The management includes a programme of Quality Assurance Body (QAB) who used to submit itself to regular review.
The medical college has a constructive interaction with the health & health related sectors of the society & government. Health sector includes the health care delivery system, whether public or private medical research institution etc. The health related sector includes institutions and regulating bodies with implications for health promotion and disease prevention.

Dhaka Medical College administration maintains an effective communication and liaison between the university, medical college and the health care and research institutions affiliated with the university. Academic staffs of the medical college working within teaching hospitals are very much integrated into the service & administrative activities of the institution and they have appropriate access to patients for teaching and clinical research and are able to maintain their clinical skills.

Indeed, DMC has a supportive health authority and appropriate channels of communication to allow problems to be addressed and new initiatives to develop. To meet these challenges DMC has robust and dynamic procedures for reviewing, modifying and renewing its fundamental structures and activities and rectify documented deficiencies. This mainly performed by QAB through administrative committee, continuous renewal process based on a prospective studies and analysis and leads to revisions of the policies and practices of the medical college in accordance with past experience, present activities and future perspectives.

The Guardian: In this context, would you give us an idea about the functions of Principal, Director and Vice-Principal of DMC&H?

Principal: Principal is the executive head of the college. He is responsible for proper and efficient management and functioning of academic and administrative activities of the college. He is responsible for welfare and discipline of students and staffs of the college. He is also the drawing and disbursing officer and is responsible for financial matters related to the college and its students and staff.

Director is the executive head of the Hospital. He is responsible for proper and efficient management and functioning of administrative activities of the Hospital. He is responsible for discipline and entire activities of the Hospital.

Vice-Principal assists the principal in matters relating to administrative, academic, planning, development and routine functions. He is responsible to ensure smooth academic activities and is also the Chairman of undergraduate course-committee and member of QAB.

The Guardian: As matter of fact, please mention the number of sanctioned posts of teachers, general and supporting staffs and the latest scenario of posting at DMC?

Principal: You have already known that DMCH has now 49 Departments and conducts MBBS course and 42 Postgraduate courses. It is the largest attached teaching hospital of the country with 2300 beds including casualty, coronary care unit (CCU) and intensive care unit (ICU). Before July 2008 it has 42 Departments. Endocrinology in 9th July 2008, Hepatology 1st June 2009, Neonatology 5th October 2009, Thoracic Surgery 25th November 2009, Pediatric Nephrology 25th February 2010, Respiratory Medicine 1st June 2010, Paedaitric Haemato and Oncology 6th January 2011 were opened.

As a result, DMCH has got 400 sanctioned posts of teaching facilities and 56 non-sanctioned posts, where there remains the issue of deputation/ OSD; post of class III is 57, filled up 47 and vacant 10; post of supporting is 169, filled up 132, vacant 10. In addition, there are 201 internship trainees and 660 honorary trainees.

The Guardian: It is learnt that Academic Council is the highest body of DMC. Now, please tell us about the formation and activities of this council of DMC?

Principal: Yes, the Academic Council is the highest body of DMC. This body monitors and maintains congenial academic atmosphere in the campus to ensure academic progress. It also takes disciplinary actions in case of violation of rules and regulations and of discipline. The Academic Council is formed with the Principal as the chairman, Director of the Hospital, Vice-principal, all Professors, Heads of Departments, two senior most Associate Professors and incorporated into Academic Council are two student representatives viz. Vice-President and General Secretary of the students’ union.

The Guardian: It is also learnt that alongside academic council, DMC has a number of other committees to run its academic and other functions smoothly. Please tell us about these.

Principal: Yes, you have learnt right. DMC has a number of committees to run its academic and other activities organized well and smoothly. These are:

Disciplinary Committee: The disciplinary committee is formed by Director of DMC&H and all Professors of DMC with the Principal in the chair. The committee reviews matters referred to them by the Academic Council and suggests disciplinary actions against those who might have violated the rules in force.

Quality Assurance Body (QAB): This is formed according to the guideline of Quality Assurance Scheme of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. The objective is to ensure the proper teaching, regular examinations and overall accuracy and efficacy of the MBBS curriculum. It consists of Course co-ordinator, Academic co-ordinator and Phase co-ordinators for each of the three Phases. Phase committees have subject co-ordinators from the subjects of that phase. QAB conducts curriculum evaluation and has a faculty development scheme. Opinions of external examiners are collected and compiled to monitor professional examinations. There is also provision for appointing external assessor to monitor academic activities.

Medical Education Unit (MEU): Established in Dhaka Medical College (DMC) in 1986 to improve the efficacy of teachers through Continued Medical Education. The activities of the unit are to hold seminars, workshops and follow up meetings. Chairperson of MEU faculty is the Principal or a senior member of the faculty. Members of the MEU are nominated by Principal. Members of MEU nominate a secretary from amongst themselves, who will coordinate activities of the MEU in consultation with the Chairperson and the members. The Principal, the Chairperson MEU and the Secretary MEU will be accountable to the Academic Council.

This unit has got seven subcommittees. Each subcommittee consists of one chairperson and four members and one member secretary. There are Program & Seminar Sub-Committee, Media Development Committee, Research Sub-Committee, COME Committee, Finance Committee, and Seminar Hall Committee & Documentation Sub-Committee & Ethical Committee.

Ethical Committee: Ethical committee of Dhaka Medical College is formed by representatives from Teachers, Social workers, Lawyers and other groups of the community. This body remains responsible for ethical considerations of the research programs and their scientific basis in Dhaka Medical College by its students and teachers. It develops Code of Conducts must be followed by the organization.

Teachers’ Association: This Association is formed by teachers of Dhaka Medical College. It has got an Executive Committee which has One President, Two Vice-President, One Treasurer, One General Secretary, One Joint Secretary, One Office Secretary, One Scientific Secretary, One Culture and Social Secretary and Eight Members. They provide Dhaka Medical College with Journal, yearly Telephone Guide and Teachers’ Lounge for refreshment of teachers. This Association extent their hand throughout any issues arises in the college and hospital.

Postgraduate Committee: To observe the activities of the Postgraduate course and training in Dhaka Medical College & Hospital, Coordinators are appointed in different areas. This committee through this coordinator will look after all the Postgraduate courses and training undergoing in different subjects in Dhaka Medical College & Hospital. There are 1 Coordinator, for all Postgraduate courses, MS Part-III Coordinator, MS Part-II Coordinator, MD Part-III Coordinator, MD Part-II Coordinator, MD & MS Part-I Coordinator, M Phil and MPH Part-I, II, & Ill Coordinator, all Diploma Courses Coordinator, Monitoring of Training Programme (Clinical /OSPE/MCQ) Coordinator, Integrated teaching, Weekly Seminar programme Coordinator.

The Guardian: Would you mention to whom DMC interacts for affiliation, accreditation and other relevant matters?

Principal: Dhaka Medical College is linked with different administrative and statutory bodies for its administrative, academic and related functions.

Ministry and Directorate: DMC is a government institution. It is financed and administered by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MOH&FW) through Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS). All the regulations of administrative authorities are communicated and implemented through the Principal.

Dhaka University: Dhaka Medical College is affiliated to Dhaka University. University confers MBBS degree after completion of undergraduate course. Faculty of Medicine of Dhaka University coordinates academics and examinations through the controller of Examinations. Dhaka University also confers Postgraduate degrees and diplomas coordinated by the Faculty of Postgraduate Medicine and Research of Dhaka University.

BSMMU: All postgraduate courses are conducted under Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU). Admission tests and course final examinations of postgraduate courses are conducted by the office of the controller of examinations, BSMMU.

BCPS: Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons confers FCPS for those who pursue FCPS Part II course in this college. The training of Dhaka Medical College and Hospital is accreditated by BCPS.

BMDC: Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council (BMDC) is the statutory body to recognize different Graduate and Postgraduate degrees and also responsible for registration of doctors enabling them to practice in the country.

The Guardian: Would you tell us something about the guidelines set for attendance and conduct of a medical student, especially of DMC students?

Principal: Every student is required to attend no less than 75% of all lectures, tutorials, practical and clinical teaching sessions. Holidays are taken only during specified periods Absence for substantial period due to sickness must be reported to his/her Phase coordinator. In the event of emergency that may affect his/her assessment needs to inform his/her Phase coordinator.

A student shall conform to a high standard of discipline and shall conduct himself/herself within and outside the precincts of the college in a manner befitting the standard of medical college of national importance. S/he shall show due courtesy and consideration to the employees of the college and halls of residence, good neighbourliness to his/her fellow students and the teachers of the college and pay due attention and courtesy to visitors. To safeguard its ideals of scholarship, character and personal behaviour, the college reserves the right to require the withdrawal of any student at any time for any reason deemed sufficient.

The Guardian: In this context, what is your advice to the students?

Principal: My advice to the students is:
1. Always keep your ID card with you and seat allotment card in the Hostel.
2. Observe all the rules and regulations inside the campus.
3. Be regular in studies, attend your classes and appear at all your examinations and assessments without fail.
4. Put on Apron at all times during your class hours inside the College and Hospital.
5. Always maintain cleanliness. Be friendly to others and to your environment.
6. Obey your teachers. Be compliant to your fellow students. Pay respect to your seniors.
7. Pay your College dues, Hostel dues and Examination fees in time according to schedule.
8. Participate in all curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. It makes your study more interesting. It makes you a better person in future.
9. Do not participate in activities which can distract your aim to be a good doctor.
10. Turn off your Mobile Phone whenever you are in hospital as they may interfere with electronic devices of patients and also when you are attending classes and clinics.
11. Demonstrate professional beha-viour whenever you are in medical environments such as hospitals and college campus.

It is also expected from all students to ensure that their appearance meets professional standards. Hands and nail should be clean, well-manicured. Because when they will put their hands on patient’s body long nails may be hazardous. Shorts are not accepted except during sports. Shoes matter, they need to cover and thus protect their toes and heels. Open toed sandals are better avoided.

The Guardian: And what is your advice for medical students and others to control infection?

Principal: All healthcare establishments carry a risk of infection both to patients and hospital staff. It is essential that all should follow infection control instructions Whenever you are in a clinical environment beware of potentially dangerous body fluids which include blood, semen or vaginal secretions, cerebrospinal, synovial, pleural, peritoneal and amniotic fluid or sputum from where infection with hepatitis, HIV, tuberculosis and other communicable disease may be contracted. Wash your hands thoroughly and dry after working in the labs, dissection rooms and after using shared instruments. Cover cuts and grazes with sterile dressing. Sharp instruments should be carefully disposed.
It is a policy of the institute to minimize the risk of acquiring infectious disease to ensure the health and safety of patients, employees and students. All students are encouraged to have active immunization against common diseases including hepatitis. In case of sickness you must report to Resident Physician /Resident Surgeon of the hospital or any of your teachers to get appropriate help.

The Guardian: Would you tell us something about research activities of DMC?

Principal: The Research Unit of Dhaka Medical College is collaborated with the Government of Bangladesh under which Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Science and Technology (BANSDOC) are included. The Research Unit is also collaborated with BMRC (Bangladesh Medical Research Council), ICDDR, Bangladesh. This Research Unit of DMC deals with Department wise Research Activities, Degree related, Diseases Related (Clinical) and Institute wise Research Activities.

There are three committees in the Research Unit of Dhaka Medical College. These are (1) IRC (Institutional Review Committee), (2) RRC (Research Review Committee) (3) ERC (Ethichal Review Committee).

IRC is formed by Principal, Vice-Principal (Course Coordinator), Academic Coordinator and Postgraduate Course Coordinator. RRC is formed by all teachers of every faculty of Dhaka Medical College. ERC is formed according to Government rules and regulations.

Research protocol from every faculty must be reviewed by the RRC after it is submitted to ERC through IRC. Research activity is started after the approval by the ERC (Ref. No. dmc/2010/2809 dated 01-08-2010).

The Guardian: In this context, would you tell us something about research activities of DMC teachers?

Principal: A research cell named Tropical Disease Research Cell (TDRC) has been established in Aug. 09 in Deptt. Of Medicine located at the office of Ward No. 4. The cell has produced 10 research protocols and submitted to BMRC, UGC & WHO for approval. Prof. Abid Hossain Mollah, Professor of Paediatics, Prof. Quazi Tarikul Islam, Professor of Medicine, Prof. Shamim Ara, Professor of Anatomy, Dr. Billal Alam, Associate professor of Medicine, Dr. Syed Md. Arif, Associate professor of Medicine has produced protocol during the year 2009. Professor Ekhlasur Rahman, Professor of Paediatric, Prof. Ferdousi Islam, Department of Gynae & Obst. Prof. Ismail Khan, Department of Pharmacology, Prof. MA Mannan, Department of Endocrinology, Dr. Narayan Chandra Saha & Dr. Nazmul Haq, Department of Paediatric, has produced protocol and submitted for approval to Novartis Bangladesh, ICDDRB & John Hopkins University, BMRC, respectively.

During the years 2008-2011 teachers of Dhaka Medical College improved the learning environment by regularly updating and developing the educational practices. They developed research protocol reviewed and submitted. A total number of seventy research protocol is submitted from different faculties.

The Guardian: Would you inform us about publication activities of DMC and its teachers?

Principal: DMC publishes ‘Dhaka Medical College Journal’. Two issues of the journal are published in a year. This journal is recognized by BM&DC. Besides, DMC has another publication. This is DMC Annual Magazine. This is a yearly publication of students of Dhaka Medical College. Both students and teachers contribute to this.

DMC Teachers have a good number of publications in national and international journals and presentations at home and abroad. About 182 publications are published in National Journal and 69 publications are published in International Journal. 251 articles are published. 72 local presentations, 116 national presentations, 42 international presentations are produced by teachers of Dhaka Medical College during year 2010.

About 81 publications are published in National Journal, 13 publications are published in International Journal, 114 Local presentations, 103 National Presentations and 46 International presentations are produced by teachers of Dhaka Medical College during year 2009.

The Guardian: In the end, what is your message?

Principal: I feel immense pleasure to welcome you all in Dhaka Medical College, one of the most renowned and oldest Medical colleges in Bangladesh and also in South East Asia. Dhaka Medical College was established in 1946 and since then, this prestigious institution has produced a number of physicians, surgeons, medical scientists and teachers who are serving in the country and different parts of the world with high reputation.

Dhaka Medical College is, as a pioneer, leading and largest medical college and hospital, always committed to provide quality undergraduate and postgraduate medical education and quality healthcare services in all specialties in the country. The college runs the MBBS and post graduate course. MBBS course is permitted to admit 197 students per year. Now Dhaka Medical College has 1000 local and around 100 foreign students in undergraduate and around 900 students in postgraduate courses.

The heart and soul of this medical college is the faculty and more than 400 faculty members, 90 percent of who hold post graduate degrees-teach and mentor these students and engage in scholarship and research as a means of staying current in their academic disciplines and building the regional and global academic reputation of Dhaka Medical College.

My administration and I am working closely with the faculties of the college and Ministry of Health to enrich the academic offerings to include new academic specialties, research opportunities and doctoral programmes with the aim to achieve excellence across the university and thus to increase the reputation of Dhaka Medical College and to reach its image to a new height at home and abroad.

I hope you will enjoy our comprehensive website and I look forward to welcoming you to visit Dhaka Medical College for receiving our services. Please feel free and visit us.


Profile of Prof. Azad

Prof. Khan Abul Kalam Azad was born in Dhaka, Bangladesh on March 24, 1960. His father is Md. Abul Hossain Khan and mother is Mrs. Salina Hossain Khan. His wife Jesmine Hossain Khan is a housewife. Prof. Azad attended Dhaka Medical College, country’s most prestigious medical school, and achieved MBBS in 1983. In 1991, Prof. Azad earned his fellowship in medicine from Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons (BCPS). In 1999, he also earned M.D. in internal medicine from the University of Dhaka. He became Fellow of American College of Physicians in 2005.

He joined as Professor of Medicine in 2008. During his long teaching tenure, unique style, passion for teaching, profound affection for students made Prof. Azad a very popular teacher. He is now the Head of the Department of Medicine as well as the Principal of Dhaka Medical College; Dean, Faculty of Medicine and Dean, Faculty of Postgraduate Medical Science & Research, University of Dhaka, his own alma mater.

A visionary leader Prof. Khan is the immidiate past President of Bangladesh Society of Medicine, a largest medical hub of teachers and researchers of internal medicine in Bangladesh. He was elected as Councilor of Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons in 2017. He is also the Vice-President of Bangladesh Rheumatology Society and Treasurer of Association of Physicians of Bangladesh.

As a renowned researcher of medicine, his research on soft tissue rheumatism earned him fame at home and abroad. Prof. Azad is currently the Editor of Dhaka Medical College Teachers’ Journal.

His contributions in social activities were rewarded by several recognitions, among which Mother Teressa Gold Medal, Mahatma Gandhi Peace Award, Best Personality Award, etc. are noteworthy.

He is blessed with two sons; both of them are physicians.