Architecture Department of BUET ushers in a new era in Bangladesh

Architecture exists on earth from the time immemorial. It is an integral part of modern civilization. But, in the context of architecture education in Bangladesh, it is about 53 years…

The faculty of Architecture Department

Dr. Faruque A. U. Khan, FIAB Professor Ph.D (DU), M.Arch (BUET), B.Arch (BUET) Field of interest: Educational Facility – Planning & Design Khaleda Ekram, FIAB Professor M.URP (Hawaii, USA), B.Arch…

Architectural education at BUET

More than half a century ago in 1962 Department of Architecture was started. The beginning was simultaneous with the conversion of Ahsanullah Engineering College into East Pakistan University of Engineering…

Finding the Department of Architecture of BUET in myself

In April 2004, both myself and my partner Tanya Karim were asked to speak at a seminar titled “Year/s of Water/s” in Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) in the…

How life beats in a structure: Morphology and design doctrines of contemporary hospitals in Bangladesh

When I was young I had to visit the hospital where my father was admitted after a stroke due to hypertension.  To cut a long story short, my father had…

Architecture of Bangladesh: Consciousness on contextual architecture

“We are the people our parents warned us about” – Jimmy Buffet The self-evident blight about Dhaka is the lack of green. In the race to build a megalopolis, not…

Innovative technologies of construction

Innovative technologies in housing construction are not used as frequently as the more standard construction technologies which involve the use of masonry,timber, and concrete. However, as with other innovations, it…

Dhaka-how could be a liveable city

A survey done by the economist intelligence unit, shows that Dhaka has been rated as the 139th most liveable city among 140 cities. We beat only war-torn Damascus, which is…

BADC: Expansion of irrigation through utilization of surface water by double lifting project-2nd phase

Bangladesh is one of the most densely populated countries in the world. The population of the country is increasing day by day and pressure on agricultural products is increasing continuously….
